USA Today Bestselling Author Lexi Ostrow has been in love with the written word since second grade when her librarian started a writing club. Born in sunny southern California she’s spent time in various places across the country and is not-so-patiently waiting for the USCG to return her to New Orleans. Mom to a taekwodno musical loving boy and an array of pets, her house is never lacking stories to tell.
From paranormal romance to thriller there isn’t a genre she doesn’t love to spend her time reading or writing. With her BA in creative writing from UCR and her MA in multi-media Journalism from Emerson College, she’s ready to take on the literary world one novel at a time.
Reading and writing are her first loves, but her passion for shopping, love for yummy food and her love for all her many pets are not far behind. Lexi is an enthusiastic Whovian and DC Comic Show lover who isn’t afraid to talk someone’s ear off about them. She hopes to one day help other readers fall in love with writing as she did.