![]() I'm normally a fairly decent secret keeper - mainly because I don't have too many. I'm an open book that way but I'm so being tested right now! I'm sitting on the most amazing cover for Torn Between Two Worlds. In fact, I've had it for a little over a week. AND I'M DYING TO SHARE IT!!!! That being said, I've learned so much about marketing and presenting myself and my work the last 4 months. So I know the value in the cover reveal and I'm waiting until one month prior to unveil the beautiful image. But i'm absolutely twitchy with the need to show it to someone. Thankfully, I was able to share it with my awesome lit family and that took some of the edge off. I also may have cheated and showed it to my very best friend in the world and my mom. But other than that I've been keeping the little beauty locked away. Instead I've done everything else I possibly can with the cover. I made bookmarks and bottle caps for giveaways. I made a round of promo posters for the book that include the cover **note I didn't share one with the cover here LOL**. I've signed people up for a cover reveal tour and pestered friends and family to put it on their pages once it's time too. So now all that's left to do is wait...and patience has never been my strong suit! On with the secret! And on that same note, I've been dropping teasers for a while now that I've set up some awesomeness with dates for the Guardians and the Alliance series. But that would be revealing a secret and I've learned the importance of hanging on to them ;) So I'll leave you with this info - books 1.5-4 of the Guardians are scheduled and cover images dreamed up already. The Alliance of Silver and Steam is scheduled all the way through the end! 2015 and 2016 are filled with some steamy series and hopefully a lot of antho's and stand alones once I can get all the move stuff sorted and attack the computer more vigorously! So what can I share? What secrets am I willing to break? How about antho subs I'm working on. I submitted a steamy first time story called Irish Sweets and am working on a title (its in edits) for Fractured Fairy Tales. I am IN LOVE with Irish Sweets and crossing everything the wonderful antho editor feels the same because I have to say, they have one heck of a hot first! Mix a charming Irish interpol agent, devious American pastry chef and a storm that leads to a lot more getting wet than just the roads! Plus, that teaser photo counts as a secret broken, doesn't it? XOXO,
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March 2024